Nikki Son

Nikki Son

PERFORMARS`s Content Marketing Manager 퍼포마스의 콘텐츠 마케팅 매니저. 스스로를 마케터라고 칭할 수 있어서 행복하다. 전직 기자 출신으로 언제나 새로운 사물 및 현상을 탐구하는 것을 좋아한다.

Posts by Nikki Son

We are ALL different, that is WHY marketing has to be personalized

Suppose you are interested in buying a sunscreen. Your skin type is relatively oily. When you walk into cosmetic shop, y …

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2 min read
18년 9월 17일

3 Reasons Why Inbound Marketing is Good for SMB

There are so many marketing methodologies around the world. For small and medium enterprises, ‘inbound marketing’ is the …

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2 min read
18년 8월 14일