How to build multichannel chatbots for your business?

Digital transformation and marketing chatbots Digital transformation is becoming mandatory for businesses. 2020 has taug …

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4 min read
21년 1월 28일

Performars and Personalization in Marketing

Recap of Previous Blog As discussed in the previous blog on Personalization, it is a type of marketing where the needs a …

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3 min read
20년 4월 21일

Excel in Customer Intimacy by leveraging Chatbots

Recently I was working on the use case of chatbots for a startup company. They were interested in any interesting ideas …

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4 min read
20년 3월 30일

Performars partners with Mixpanel, a global leader in product analytics

Global digital marketing company Performars has partnered with Mixpanel, a global leader in product analytics. This part …

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2 min read
20년 3월 18일

What Companies Need to Know About Personalization in Marketing

The fear of most companies starting, brands, service providers and those already in existence is usually, ‘how to market …

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4 min read
20년 3월 09일

Chatbot Marketing and Our Offerings

Last time I wrote about a brief history of chatbots and their current state. The industry is growing so rapidly that it …

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3 min read
20년 2월 21일

Prince Harry starting a new job in South Korea?

On January 8 2020, Prince Harry announced to the general public that, he is going to be independent from the British roy …

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1 min read
20년 2월 10일

Chatbots; overpromised and underdelivered. What has changed now?

History of Chatbot In 1950 Alan Turing proposed that a machine is intelligent if it is indistinguishable from a human du …

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3 min read
20년 2월 06일

We are ALL different, that is WHY marketing has to be personalized

Suppose you are interested in buying a sunscreen. Your skin type is relatively oily. When you walk into cosmetic shop, y …

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2 min read
18년 9월 17일

What is Inbound Marketing?

The internet has come a long way since it begun. In 2018, at least 53% of the world population are active internet users …

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2 min read
18년 9월 10일