Saeed Shodavlat

Saeed Shodavlat

AI Solution Manager @ PEROFRMARS/ Machine learning enthusiast, loves learning and solving problems.

Posts by Saeed Shodavlat

How to build multichannel chatbots for your business?

Digital transformation and marketing chatbots Digital transformation is becoming mandatory for businesses. 2020 has taug …

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4 min read
21년 1월 28일

Excel in Customer Intimacy by leveraging Chatbots

Recently I was working on the use case of chatbots for a startup company. They were interested in any interesting ideas …

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4 min read
20년 3월 30일

Chatbot Marketing and Our Offerings

Last time I wrote about a brief history of chatbots and their current state. The industry is growing so rapidly that it …

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3 min read
20년 2월 21일

Chatbots; overpromised and underdelivered. What has changed now?

History of Chatbot In 1950 Alan Turing proposed that a machine is intelligent if it is indistinguishable from a human du …

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3 min read
20년 2월 06일