How to build multichannel chatbots for your business?

Digital transformation and marketing chatbots Digital transformation is becoming mandatory for businesses. 2020 has taug …

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4 min read
21년 1월 28일

Excel in Customer Intimacy by leveraging Chatbots

Recently I was working on the use case of chatbots for a startup company. They were interested in any interesting ideas …

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4 min read
20년 3월 30일

Performars partners with Mixpanel, a global leader in product analytics

Global digital marketing company Performars has partnered with Mixpanel, a global leader in product analytics. This part …

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2 min read
20년 3월 18일

Chatbot Marketing and Our Offerings

Last time I wrote about a brief history of chatbots and their current state. The industry is growing so rapidly that it …

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3 min read
20년 2월 21일

Chatbots; overpromised and underdelivered. What has changed now?

History of Chatbot In 1950 Alan Turing proposed that a machine is intelligent if it is indistinguishable from a human du …

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3 min read
20년 2월 06일